Our Story

Blimey, hi chaps and chappesses,

This is the first time I've been on here for a while. This because not a lot has been happening over here. Gigs are few and far between and I had my first solo one for more than a year last weekend. I was a little ring-rusty as you might imagine but it was fun and I met Nigel, a chap who last saw me 39 years ago at the Prom-in -aid gig at the Queens hotel in Hastings!! He lives here too, not a long way from where I am. There was much talk about the gig and the cricket matches that we played in. Wonderful!!!

This week I have a Blue Cheese gig on Friday at a village called Bonnoeuvre and a solo gig at a really good looking bar in another place named Cuille. For those who know their French I have to say that my keyboard doesn't have accents on it!!!

Stand by:  The studio is now done and in use at last. There are a few minor issues but basically it's done. The chap who did all the work made a really good job of it and I'm as happy as a happy thing…..

All I have to do now is to get my driving licence sorted (not easy over here) and my van registered over here (even harder it seems). After that, maybe I can finally get over to the UK to catch up with old friends. Meanwhile, life is beautiful here except for the weather…..

Cheers all,













Hi folks,
 My name, in case you missed it, is Mick Mepham. I've been around for a few years now, starting out in Hastings and now in sunny France. I'm very much enjoying life in the countryside and it's stimulating my grey cells to write more and more. The new studio is about to get its roof and there are currently 4 albums (2 electric and 2 acoustic) in process. 1 acoustic album  is finished and will shortly be available to buy from here, though for the foreseeable future it will just be by track. Packaging for the hard copy cd is somewhat problematic!! 
 I've been very lucky in my musical life to have played with some excellent musicians and people and I'm by no means finished yet, however, having left Titus around the new year, I'm sad to say that they have disbanded after many years. I had a lot of fun in the band and have learned a lot about acoustic music and playing, writing and recording it. I'll miss 'em.

 Can't get enough of the buzz of live gigs! If you've heard me before you know what I do and I hope you continue to like the songs. If you haven't heard me I'd say that I love songs with melody, power, dynamics and atmosphere and that is how I try to write.
 I hope you'll derive some pleasure from my music and this site and I'll be happy to try to answer any questions you may have about the various parts of it all. Do check out the gig/events page and, as I add them, songs, pics and everything else.